Details of paying zakaat al-Fitr in 2021

mme kozpontPraise be to Allaah and peace and blessing on Prophet Muhammad, on his Family, on his Companions and on all those who follow him until the Last Day.

Zakaat al-Fitr must be given on behalf of all Muslims, young and old, male and female. It is obligatory to pay on himself/herself and on all those whose provision is his/her responsibility – if they are Muslims. It is permissible to pay the zakaat al-Fitr on the fetus, but this is not obligatory.

Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle and obscene speech, and to feed the poor. Whoever gives it before the [Eid] prayer, it is zakaat al-fitr, and whoever gives it after the prayer, it is ordinary charity. (Abu Dawood and classed as hasan by al-Albaani)

It is obligatory to give on every Muslim one complete saa' (saa' is a liquid measure of about 1 liter) i. e. 2.250 kg from wheet or 2 kg from dried dates or barley. It is permissible to give mare then one saa' and it is also permissible to give the amount above the saa' with the intention of giving charity.

According to the opinion of the Hanafis, 'Umar Ibn Abdul-Azeez, Hassan Al-Basri and one opinion of Imam Ahmed, it is permissible to pay the equivalent of saa' in terms of money.

The Organization of Muslims in Hungary used this scholarly concession as paying in money is more useful for the poor and it is easier in our era.

We considered the the opinion of Imam Ash-Shafi'i that zakat al-Fitr can be paid earlier, from the beginning of Ramadan and according to the opinion of the Hanbelies after the middle of the month. (But zakat al-Fitr is only valid if it is paid before the Eid prayer.)

According to the consensus (Ijma') of the scholars that zakat al-Fitr must be given to the poor and needy.

After having considered the different scholarly opinions and the practice of the scholars in other European coubtries we made the following decision:

  1. This year (2020/1441 H. Ramadan) the value of zakaat al-Fitr is 1,500,- forints. This amount should be paid until the Eid prayer. If someone fails to pay it before the Eid prayer, it will be sadaqa and cannot be made up for zakaat al-Fitr.
  2. It is expedient to pay zakaat al-Fitr earlier to have sufficient time for being to direct it to poor and needy.
  3. The Organization of Muslims in Hungary offers its help in directing zakaat al-Fitr to those who are entitled to receive it.

It is possible to send the zakaat al-Fitr through bank transfer.

Account numbers:

Magyarorszagi Muszlimok Egyhaza (Organization of Muslims in Hungary)

Account number (forint): 11705008-20471860

Name of the bank: OTP Bank Nyrt.

From abroad to forint account:

Name of the bank: OTP Bank Ltd.

Address of the bank: H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 16.

IBAN number: HU39 1170 5008 2047 1860 0000 0000

Currency: HUF


Our euro account number: 11763055-30458884

Name of the bank: OTP Bank Ltd.

Address of the bank: H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 16.

IBAN number: HU28 1176 3055 3045 8884 0000 0000

Currency: euro

Swift/BIC code: OTPVHUHB

If you make a transfer, please send the copy of the receit in an e-mail to the Organization of Muslims in Hungary: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát., not to slip out of the deadline!